We are glad to announce that, one more year, Anecoop Bodegas will be attending ProWein as exhibitor. From 19th-21st March, you can’t miss the opportunity to taste some our most representative wines: Venta del Puerto Nº12 and Venta del Puerto Nº 18, Juan de Juanes, Reymos, Ola Caracola or La Vida en Colores, with P.D.O. Valencia, and Hacienda Uvanis, Dominio de Unx or Unsi, with Navarre D.O.
Visit us at Hall 10 – Stand 10A121
Since it was founded in 1996, Anecoop Bodegas has managed to create and consolidate a diverse, premium quality range of value-for-money wines for all budgets with an attractive image and their own individual personality, which have found a broad audience in over 40 countries.
The quality of Anecoop Bodegas’ wines has been recognized in the main international wine competitions, and their characteristics have won over the most prestigious wine critics both in Spain and abroad.
Its compliance with the strictest standards and certifications demonstrates that our production processes and final products have the required quality and food safety demanded by customers and consumers.
Anecoop Bodegas has a broad range of wines which caters for the demands of different consumer profiles, from conservative through to more daring palates. From reds, whites and rosés, through to sparkling and low-alcohol wines, there is a wine for everybody and for every occasion.
One of the priorities of Anecoop Bodegas, as a cooperative and social economy company, is to guarantee the future of its member producers, encouraging the sustainability of farming as well as helping to look after the environment. Together with the member wineries, Anecoop represents the interests of more than 2,000 families in Spain. The wineries are a driving force in their local areas, creating quality employment and promoting the viability of local economies.
Anecoop Bodegas is one of the world’s top 50 wineries according to the WAWWJ 2016 ranking.
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