The World Association of Writers and Journalists of Wines and Spirits (WAWWJ), an association made up of journalists, writers, social media experts, web site creators and specialists from around the world who write about wines and liqueurs, has included Anecoop Bodegas in its ranking of the world’s leading 100 wineries. Anecoop Bodegas ranks 41st in the top half of the list, in which there are only nine Spanish companies.

Valencia, 26th October 2016.- In this 2016 ranking, there are only seven Spanish wineries ahead of Anecoop Bodegas. The WAWWJ has been compiling this annual ranking for the last two decades, classifying wines and wineries according to the results they obtain in national and international wine competitions.

The list of the world’s leading 100 wineries includes a total of nine Spanish companies in the top 50. Anecoop is ranked 41st, and is the eighth of the nine Spanish wineries in this part of the list. This association has also included several Spanish wines in its list of best wines. Through these rankings, the WAWWJ rewards wineries that aim to showcase their wines in competitions around the world as well as to promote the benefits of wine.

When asked about the inclusion of Anecoop Bodegas in this prestigious international ranking, the Chairmen of Anecoop’s member wineries, Alejandro Monzón (Bodegas Reymos – Cheste) and José Fita (Bodega La Viña – La Font de la Figuera), and the Chairman of its partner winery, Javier Leoz, (Bodegas San Martín – San Martín de Unx), coincided in the fact that “this announcement, which is the culmination of the success we have enjoyed in various wine competitions, is the result of the efforts and hard work put in by a group of wineries which have tailored their wines to cater for different types of consumers and have adapted them to fit in with the different markets they are sold in, with quality as their common denominator”.

The ranking is compiled according to the number of prizes and awards obtained by each winery in prestigious national and international wine competitions, such as the Concours Mondial de Bruxelles, the International Wine and Spirits Competition, the International Wine Challenge, Mundus Vini, Effervescents du Monde and the Bacchus International Wine Competition. Each of the 70-80 competitions that are taken into account when putting together this list is given a score according to its relevance.

Anecoop Bodegas

Anecoop began marketing wine in 1986. The diversity of the wines produced by its member wineries (La Viña and Bodegas Reymos), which belong to the Valencia Designation of Origin, and its partner winery Bodegas San Martin, from the Navarre Designation of Origin, is one of the company’s major competitive advantages.

Anecoop Bodegas has won numerous international awards which testify to the continuous efforts it makes to tailor its wines to market trends. It currently exports its wine to 42 countries. In 2014-2015, Anecoop Bodegas marketed 187,483 hectolitres of wine, generating a turnover of almost €25 million.   

These exclusive, top quality products have boosted the image and outreach of Anecoop’s wineries abroad and have grown sales of their medium and premium range wines, a segment to which the company has been committed for several years and which its R&D&I, production, quality, marketing and sales departments have all worked hard to promote.